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Owl Wire Wrapped Copper Pendant With Jasper and Amethyst #467

$75.00 USD
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Material: Copper, Stone

Size: 4,5 x 7cm
Chain: 60cm

This copper wire-wrapped pendant takes the form of an owl, adorned with captivating jasper and amethyst stones. The meticulous craftsmanship of the wire wrapping adds an artisanal touch to the pendant, highlighting the intricate details of the owl's features.

Jasper, one of the stones incorporated into this pendant, is known for its grounding properties. It is believed to instill a sense of stability and balance, making it an ideal companion for those seeking a connection to the earth's energies. Additionally, jasper is often associated with nurturing qualities, fostering a sense of tranquility and comfort.

Ametyst, another prominent feature in this pendant, is renowned for its spiritual and protective attributes. This violet-hued crystal is thought to enhance spiritual awareness, promoting a deeper understanding of one's inner self. Amethyst is also believed to provide a shield against negative energies, contributing to a sense of clarity and calm.

The choice of a wise owl as the pendant's form adds a symbolic layer to the piece. Owls are often associated with wisdom and intuition, making this pendant not only a visually appealing accessory but also a meaningful talisman. The combination of copper, jasper, amethyst, and the owl motif creates a harmonious blend of aesthetic beauty and metaphysical significance, making this pendant a unique and meaningful adornment for those drawn to its captivating design and the potential energetic benefits of its incorporated stones.

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$6.00 USD
Estimated arrival
Jun 06 - Jun 13

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