Customers generally have positive sentiments about the product, praising its quality and appearance. Many customers mention that the bag is smaller than expected, but still well-made. Some customers express disappointment with the size and sturdiness of the bag, while others appreciate its perfect size. The seller is commended for quick delivery and good customer service. A few customers mention issues with the chain, but overall, customers are pleased with their purchase and consider it a good value for the price.
Generated by AI from the text of customer reviewsI only wrong disturbing because its a Zombie. Very well made and classy
A nice bag with a really nice clear Quija board print, quality material, a little smaller than i thought it would be, great seller quick dispatch and delivery
looks wonderful. It was a gift
It was alot smaller than I expected and it felt very thin.
No time for review
Arrived quickly well made.
I love it. Its not just like Elsa's but pretty close. I have used it every day for just about a month and its held up .
The bag was much smaller than I anticipated, but it is well made. I contacted the seller, and they were super acvomidatong, and great to work with. I will be ordering from them again. Just be aware that the bag is only about 6 inches across. Very cute though.
Love it perfect size
this purse is good for the price. I haven't used it yet but it doesn't seem very sturdy. it was all out of shape when I received it so I stuffed it and hung it up in the closet. I will be using this as a crossbody to hold my id, money and phone when I go to concerts so i think it will be perfect for that!
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