Customers love the design of the bag and have received compliments on it. They appreciate the size of the bag, as it is not too big or too small. The item arrived quickly and was well-packaged. Some customers mention that the bag is bigger than expected. There are positive comments about the quality of the item and the overall shopping experience. However, there are a few mentions of delayed shipping and extra charges for customs. Overall, customers are happy with their purchase and would recommend the product.
Generated by AI from the text of customer reviewsLove it!
Loved it, walked round town and had a couple of people ask about my bag and told them where to buy one. Absolutely love the design it's totally me, even the girls at the tattoo shop liked it, would recommend
I like this bag so much.
very cute a little smaller than I thought
good item and fast delevery for canada qc
Great item
Not too big or too small
This wallet was exactly what I wanted. Very happy with my order and how quickly it arrived. Thank you so much, will be purchasing more soon :)
Bought for my girlfriend, and she loves it. Gotta say it looks pretty cool.
I just this yesterday and I have recieved compliments on it already... thanks so much.... Jag
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