Overall, customers seem to be satisfied with the product. Many mentioned that the item arrived on time and without any issues. The watch itself is described as cool, beautiful, and of good quality. Some customers found the blue numbers hard to read and wished they had chosen a version with red LED lights. A few customers mentioned that the watch does not require batteries, which they appreciated. There were a few complaints about the delivery being slow or the item arriving broken, but these instances seem to be exceptions rather than the norm.
Generated by AI from the text of customer reviewsI received it on time, and there were no issues with this product. It worked as soon as I got it. It looks like a bracelet then when press a button you get the time, its pretty cool. I find the blue numbers are hard to read, and that I should had chose the one with the red LED lights.
I was able to get this product on time, and there were no issues with anything. The watch worked as soon as I got it. It was a little smaller then I expected but the design is cool.
Very very slow delivery, but also very very satisfied ! Awesome watch !
I don't have to get batteries for it
I don't have to get batteries for it
I don't have to get batteries for it
Arrived on time, beautiful quality. Easy sale and dealings with vendor. 100% satisfied.
Although this item arrived broken, seller refunded my money immediately.
Pictures do no justice to this quality time-piece. It was worth the wait....While I'm on the subject, if like me you can be impatient, just take a deep breath because it's worth the wait. Buyer and communication was spot on and I will be purchasing another watch piece soon.
Would have preferred a battery operated watch as the watch tends to loose time / stop keeping time if not sufficient kinetic energy (i.e. at night when sleeping)
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